Saturday 1 January 2011

Cara's Top Ten Resolutions - 2011

Happy New Year!

Resolution #1: Not to get out of bed unless I absolutely have to.

Resolution #2: Stretch more. It feels good.

Resolution #3: Demand more strokes.

Resolution #4: Have more cake & orgasms, together if possible.

Resolution #5: Be happier about being me, even if other people aren't. Confidence is key, even if it needs breaking in.

Resolution #6: Own more shoes, especially Pleaser Bordello & Irregular Choice.

Resolution #7: Actually hit my goal weight, and get to a shape I actually like.

Resolution #8: Be even wilder, more adventurous, bolder, more direct, blunt, honest, openminded, kinky, sexual, predatorial, fearless and determined.

Resolution #9: Do something about my sex toy dependency... retraining required!

Resolution #10: Sort out Christmas before October!



1 comment:

  1. Very interesting list of resolutions.. Wish you the best of luck on them..especially number 5... Think you are great the way you are but if you feel the need to change , do it for you...


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